Spring Forward

Spring Forward

Fountain - the energy and source of collaboration and expertise coming together in a way that brings the right people, mindsets and experience to achieve the end goal
Spring Forward is about utilising the source of Fountain. Efficiency and Effectiveness are key for the sustainability and development of the vocational education sector in New Zealand.

This is where we add value through our collaboration and affiliations to bring you the right people at the right time.

From our affiliations and extensive network of specialist contractors we can help you find the right skills, the right experience and the right fit for your team. We plug the gaps when resourcing is tight and grow your expertise for new projects.

Quality and continuous improvement are our cornerstones and drive all our people recommendations. We work alongside you and give you choice – the final decision is yours.

Let's Keep in Touch

We are just a call or email away.
Phone or email Debbie Martindale (Director)
We work remotely, fully embracing the e-world of online communication. Our flexible work hours are designed to accommodate your availability needs wherever you are.

We are based in Auckland, and we work across New Zealand and further afield as needed.

Specialist support for vocational education and training providers.